Saturday, April 14, 2007

Now that the terror has passed...

Now that is saturday the fourteenth and not friday the thirteenth, the storm of bad luck has passed. In other news, the price of 1994 microwaves has gone up.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the thirteenth

Well it's that time of year again, and we have all sat down to eat thnxgiving dinn../32././.9/77/8 sorry we interupt this stupid interpretation of the christmas story with thnxgiving for a special news report, IT'S FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!!!!!! The populace is in panic! People are fleeing to the bermuda triangle, the only place safe. With all the bad luck everywhere, bermuda's triangle is normally unlucky but all the bad luck was sucked out of there and put everywhere else, in other words it's only lucky today.

Fan of the month has been deleted

For any of whom where here before i turned fan of the month into fan of the week I would like you to know that i have done so.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I am announcing that my blog will now a have a fan of the week. I will create a seperate blog in order to house the info on them, even though the winners names will appear on this blog. YOU can become fan of the week by
A.) posting meaningful comments
B.) Starting up your own I LOVE TEDDY website (tough i doubt anyone would take me up on that)......
So look for further updates on how to or if you became Fan.Of.The.week.!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vampire horror story part one

Once up in Dracula's castle, some frat boys were throwing a frat party. Then one of them, after eating 60 pounds worth of nachos, tried to find a more remote bathroom so his frat-buddies could not hear him throwing up. He looked away from the music, he saw a staircase and ran up it. He did not notice the caped figure following him. Nor did he notice he had wet his designer be continued..................................

This was

I was going to write a horror story but i got too scared, so in stead wait till next post to find out a horror story about some picture i found on google images....

61st post!!!!

My blog is celebrating it's 61st post!!!
Impressing huh?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to my to my friends but especially my Mom, and Dad. And to all my homies back in the hood. HAPPY EASTER!!!